The Nicest, Happiest Plastic Surgery Patients?

I have the nicest happy patients, and I guess I should presume they are Happy Plastic Surgery Patients. I am so lucky. For every 1 patient that presents ultimately with unhappiness and problems, I have 10 that are just a joy and are very happy and nice to me and my staff.
I have a lovely patient that has improved so much with the body contouring we did for her. She developed some wound healing problems and had to be admitted to a hospital at which I am not an attending. After talking to a very helpful ER doctor, I finally reached the general surgery resident on whose service she had been admitted. He and I had a great conversation, and I finally spoke to this still happy and nice patient. She is doing better, and will be discharged soon. We will continue to finish her healing and get her a great result. She was so pleasant, even for not feeling so well.
I get cards of thanks regularly. They are usually long and very wordy, heartfelt and effusive. I can remember only one card I ever sent a doctor, who saved my husband’s life. I am honored that so many patients take the time to thank me. I am shocked at the little presents I get. How can I get so many patients that are happy with their result and nice at the same time? I must present a sorry picture sometimes, worn out and weary, because so many patients buy me makeup, hair ornaments, nail polish, hair products and pajamas!
I have a problem saying thank you enough. I think I must feel unworthy of this attention. I know I do good work, but to this day I don’t think I fully understand how much good I do for some. The patients who are still not happy and not nice weigh on me.
So to all my patients, happy and unhappy, nice and not nice because… I say sincerely thank you today.