Understanding Breast Augmentation: Types of Implants and What’s Right for You

Category Archives: Breast Augmentation

Understanding Breast Augmentation: Types of Implants and What’s Right for You

Choosing the right breast implants can be overwhelming with the many options available. Whether you’re considering breast augmentation surgery for aesthetic reasons or reconstructive purposes, understanding the different types of implants is important. This article will guide you through the benefits and drawbacks of silicone and saline implants, helping you make an informed decision that […]

Vectra 3D imaging system for breast and rhinoplasty surgery

The Vectra 3D breast  imaging system, developed by Canfield Imaging, has transformed my breast and rhinoplasty surgery consultations. The Vectra 3D imaging system is located in my offices, which are part of the Radiance Surgical Center. We are the only office in that offers a VECTRA 3D analysis. Vectra 3D for Breast Augmentation The first step […]

Exercising After Breast Augmentation

I was the worst patient after my first breast augmentation surgery.  I wanted to get back to exercising after my breast augmentation and didn’t follow the instructions on how much exercising I should do following the surgery. Maybe that is why I got such BAD capsular contracture after the first round and NO issues after […]

Breast Augmentation After 40

It is not frequent that women over 40 come to me with the explicit desire for a breast augmentation . When they do, I have to determine immediately to classify their needs.  There are 2 kinds of breast augmentation after 40: those that need volume and those that need volume and a significant lift, or […]

Driving after Breast Augmentation Surgery

Patients often question me:  When is driving after breast augmentation surgery allowed? I wish all patients were stoic, and smart, but they are not.  I love to see a patient driving after breast augmentation surgery to her first post-op visit, usually on POD #2. That tells me she is doing well, her pain is under control, and […]

Tuberous Breasts

It’s kind of sad when you have breasts that just don’t compliment your body. It’s even sadder when your breasts do not have an optimal shape, and in fact are actually tuberous breasts. Tuberous breasts refers to a breast shape that is developmentally abnormal, but not infrequent. The breast tissue is not present all over the […]

Regular Mammograms Will Detect Early Breast Cancer

By getting regular mammograms, you will have a clear picture that can be used to assess changes in your breast anatomy. The 3D mammogram is now the gold standard for examining your breast radiographically and works well with dense breasts. I highly recommend that everyone goes to a location that has this new 3D mammogram […]

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    3037 Washington Pike
    Bridgeville, PA 15017

    Phone: (412) 220-8181

    • Monday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Tuesday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Wednesday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Thursday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Friday: 7:30am - 5pm
    • Saturday: 9am - 2pm
    • Sunday: Closed

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    Radiance Plastic Surgery

    3037 Washington Pike
    Bridgeville, PA 15017
    (412) 220-8181
    Click for Directions

    Main office Radiance Plastic Surgery

    3037 Washington Pike
    Bridgeville, PA 15017
    Click for Directions
    (412) 220-8181