CoolSculpting Elite at Radiance Plastic Surgery
Are you looking for a way to get rid of your unnecessary fat on your neck, arms, abdomen, flanks and thighs? At Radiance Plastic Surgery, located in Bridgeville, PA, we specialize in helping our patients achieve their body goals. Our newest offering is through CoolSculpting Elite.
What is CoolSculpting Elite?
The CoolSculpting Elite technology from Allergan involves applicators that freeze your fat. It is then massaged and over the next 3 months it melts away! The fat only melts away as long as your liver is clean and has no other overwhelming tasks (like too much alcohol), so you’ll have to do your part to help your body transform. For most of our patients, it will require 2 CoolSculpting Elite sessions to make a really significant difference in your shape. WE want you to have a TRANSFORMATIONAL change in your shape.
CoolSculpting Elite Process
The CoolSculpting Elite process begins first with a free consult with Dr. Lori Cherup. She will analyze the areas where you are most concerned, and talk through if CoolSculpting Elite is right for you. Once you have both agreed on a treatment plan, a small deposit of $200 will secure your date, arranged by Cyndi Brown RN. The morning of your date, shower with no moisturizer, and shave down with clippers your pubic hair, other wise the applicator will grab it and cause you pain.
The treatment day will from last 2-6 hours. That might sound like a long time, but you’ll be spending it being pampered with water, tea,. You’ll be given massages, pillows and lots of fun discussion–all while our applicators are grabbing, freezing, dissolving! Because Dr. Cherup has invested in 2 machines, treatments that would have taken 10 hours, take half the time.
You’ll leave with no recovery time and can go back to work. A follow up appointment will be scheduled four weeks later where we will document your progress. If needed, a second session at 6 weeks will repeat the whole process.
In the end, our photos and measurements will show you what amazing progress you have made in reducing your fatty deposits, and developing a slimmer profile. You might even have lost a few pounds!
CoolSculpting Elite costs considerably less than traditional liposuction and you won’t experience any pain or recovery time. Care Credit and our Favored Patient Status make this procedure affordable and less costly to your checkbook and work schedule than surgery.
Call us at 412-220-8181 for CoolSculpting Elite at Radiance.